So outside of my Study Abroad trip... My baby sister finally moved into college yesterday! I'm so excited for her to begin this new journey. College so far has not gone as I planned but it has been worth the adventure. Priscy! There is no way for you to really prepare for what is ahead, but take a deep breath. You are going to have the time of your life. College is the first time you really learn about yourself as an individual and I cannot wait to see how much you will grow. Be thoughtful/mindful with all your decisions, I say that out of older sister duty not because I don't think you'll make it. Never ever walk around campus alone at night (you better carry around your pepper spray at ALL TIMES), and our Mom/Aunts
will tell you if you gain any weight freshman year. My best piece of advice to you is more so a reminder: Your world has grown much, much larger than Coppell, TX. Keep that in mind as you meet new people and gain new experiences. I love you Pris, and you're going to do just fine. I'm a skype call and FB message away if you need me this semester. (p.s. thanks for helping me with blog pics yesterday!)
Her leaving for school only makes my trip that much closer as I plan to leave the country tomorrow. Let me take you through my last minute preparations...
Packing/Avoiding Thievery
I am so proud to say that for once in my life, I have not over-packed. YAY ME! In fact when choosing what to wear to Argentina I kinda just threw some clothes in my brand-new, and totally adorable suitcase, and then closed it up to see if it could all fit just thrown in. Last night I packed it pretty and have plenty left over space in there because you know I'm going to be shopping in Buenos. I've already prepared a mini list of things I want to buy when I get there (present for Phillip, something leather, ankle-boots with a heel).

I bought this adorable suit case from TJ Maxx for about $70 USD, and my favorite thing about it is that it can roll on all 4 wheels and the case itself only weighs 5.14 lbs. alone. This is really important when considering flying because airlines charge you for the weight of items. If you can get a suit case that is pretty light it means you can stuff more things to haul around with you - a girl's dream come true! Inside of my suit case I'm packing my Victoria's Secret weekender bag I got while I worked my summer at VS. My roommate (Rachel) and I both are wanting to do weekend excursions, so a weekend bag will be better so I can bring less for those smaller trips. Then in the top right corner is my new backpack from Target (on sale for $20 USD) will be used as my only carry on.
Buenos Aires (and really anywhere else in the world that isn't the United States) is very infamous for the small and petty theft. Most of the crime in Buenos Aires is really just "crime of opportunity". Either the people stealing and scamming on the streets do it professionally (aka basically that’s how they make money) or because a tourist gave an alert local an opportunity. For this reason I am not bringing any handbags to B.A. due to the fact many thieves will cut into the bags in the city. My Tia gave me a special money belt to wear inside of my clothes so I could safely travel the city. I've also bought a couple locks, for my suitcase and backpack. My logic is that if a thief sees a lock on my backpack he/she would much rather find someone else too dumb to not put one on that take the time/trouble scamming me to break into mine.
Argentine Fashion
Speaking of packing to Argentina, I'm so excited to see and adopt Argentine fashion! I've been slowly shopping for clothes that would be suitable to this trip and I'm so excited to wear it all in this beautiful city! Here are some outfits I tried on while packing I wanted to show off prematurely! (Did I mention I got a hair cut?)
Cozy for both cold and wet weather! |
Outfits to roam around the city! |
Night out! |
Sexual Assault in Argentina
I know some laws in Argentina… but I don't know all of them. The reason this realization just came into my mind is because I carry pepper spray I around with me everywhere here in the States. If you don't, then you should. No matter your gender or age, because you never know when someone out there is willing to do something bad to you.
It didn't even cross my mind until I was talking to my boyfriend's father that it may not even be legal for me to carry pepper spray in B.A. or if sexual assault was even considered a crime here. Unfortunately I know it's almost too common for other countries in the world to suppress women, was Argentina one of them?
I was describing to Mr. Curry how adamant men can be anywhere in Latin America when it comes to the pursuit of a pretty lady. Lone female travelers will often wear a fake wedding ring to try and ward of pursuers. I laughed when I saw this because I know Latin American men enough to know that a ring wont them (they think they can still score even if there is a keeper… this is the effect of a country dominated by soccer haha). Phillip never likes hearing this when I talk about it but it’s a reality he knows he has to face. And more reason I know Phillip would love for me to have my pepper spray. It was in this conversation that Mr. Curry pointed out that:
- I may not even be able to carry pepper spray in B.A. and
- Sexual assault may not even be considered a crime in Argentina.
Thankfully Argentina know's what's up. November 19th as recognized as the National Day Against the Abuse of Children and Adolescents. Under this same law it is listed that "Under Article 119 of the Penal Code, a person of either sex that sexually abuses a member of either sex can be jailed for 6 months to 4 years if the victim is under the age of 13 or if the crime was violent, accompanied by a threat or by intimidation of authority or power. In the case of grave damage due to sexual abuse, the penalty can be of 4 to 10 years of jail time. In the case of intercourse, the penalty will be of 6 to 15 years of jail time." [
Source here.]
[And Argentina's current President, Cristina Fernández de Kirchner, was the first woman President to be elected in Argentina.]
I searched high and low for an answer to the pepper spray question… I never got a direct one. SO I'M PACKING IT ANYWAYS. Worse they'll do is throw it out at the airport. I value my life enough to bring it anyways, because in some cases it can be the difference between life and death.
So from packing, to fashion, and my last minute freak out about sexual assault; I am now only a day away from my trip abroad!!!
I better get ready for the goodbyes!
con mucho carino y mucho amor,